We joined residents of Alta Vista in supporting the proposed landmark designation of two historic homes along the N. Flores corridor linking their neighborhood to San Pedro Springs Park.  Alta Vista is currently a conservation district, but is eligible to become a historic district.  Retaining its historic housing stock will not only help it to eventually achieve district designation, but will continue to provide residents with affordable housing choices.  The Historic and Design Review Commission voted in favor of the finding of historic significance for both 800 W. Russell and 2511 N. Flores.

We also spoke out suggesting that more effort needed to made to make the front facades of new infill housing more compatible with historic homes in the Dignowity Hill Historic District.  By the time of the meeting, the developer for the project at 120 – 130 Boston had already made some revisions recommended by staff.  The commission approved the project with a few staff recommendations. Read our full statement.

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