San Antonio, Texas (March 6, 2020) The Coalition for the Woolworth Building will lead Texans in commemorating the 60th anniversary of the first peaceful and voluntary lunch counter integration to take place in the South as part of the 1960s sit-in movement. Click here to access the full press release.
San Antonio, Texas – September 17, 2019 – The San Antonio Conservation Society, one of the first and most effective historic preservation groups in the country, today unveiled an ambitious new branding campaign designed to take the organization into its next century. New logos and a name change were revealed along with bold initiatives strategically designed to continue The Society’s legacy of success as stewards of our city’s unique history and cultural heritage… Click here to access the full press release,
The new Conservation Society logo: A clean design; timeless and sophisticated, yet easy to understand and recognize. The purple background represents a characteristic color of Texas’ native purple sage (Ceniza). The hardy desert plant is a perennial that bursts with blooms ranging from pink and lavender, to purple and magenta – conveying romance, kindness, mystery and creativity.