The Hughes House for Sale Again

Front of Hughes House

Latest Update – May 22, 2023

After receiving landmark designation earlier this year, the Hughes House is back on the market again.

Thanks to the local designation, the next owner this 1913 Prairie style landmark can qualify for a local tax exemption for substantial rehabilitation.  The house  is also eligible for the Conservation Society’s annual Community Building Grants program.  We begin accepting applications August 1, 2023.

Monica Savino, Ricki Kushner, Jessica Mitchell, and Michael Carroll
Monica Savino, Ricki Kushner, Jessica Mitchell, and Michael Carroll documented the house's history, supporting a finding of historic significance.

The History of the Hughes House

Internationally famous dancer Russell (La Meri) Hughes (1898-1988) grew up  at 312 W. Courtland, where she gave some of her earliest performances.  She went on to become known as the “undisputed queen of ethnic dance,” later teaching dance in New York City and publishing several books.

The Archdiocese of San Antonio purchased this architectural gem in 1965, using it as a Catholic Student Center for 50 years.  Responding to community concerns about a pre-sale demolition, the Archdiocese put the house on the market in 2022.  May Chu and Andrew Weissman, who purchased the house that June,  had intended to renovate the building.

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