San Antonio Conservation Society Position Statement

August 23, 2018

In a letter submitted to the City’s Office of Historic Preservation, we continued to oppose the proposed demolition of the Beacon Hill School.  Why? Our goal is not to prolong the historic building’s present condition – the result of decades of neglect – but to seek a solution that will allow the 1915 building to be restored to productive use. If that cannot happen, we have grave concerns about what will replace this handsome brick school.

Perhaps Beacon Hill residents, and especially parents, should be concerned, too. The school district is not required to submit its future plans to the City for approval before obtaining a demolition permit because the school building never received historic designation.  If the building is torn down, there are no guarantees as to what the site will become.  It may not even be greenspace.

Back in July, we sent a letter to Councilman Roberto Treviño in support of his efforts to save the school and urged others to do the same.  We should all hold SAISD accountable to be a responsible steward of the Beacon Hill School.

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