Randy Beamer Explores the Texas Pavilion/ Institute of Texan Cultures Issue

Front of Institute of Texan Cultures building with international flags flying
Photo by Gordon Schults

Watch the Jan. 18th, 2024  “On the Record” interview with Betty Bueche (after interview with Councilman Pelaez).  Host Randy Beamer explores issues surrounding the Texas Pavilion/ITC and the preservation efforts of the building’s advocates, the Conservation Society and the Coalition to Preserve the Texas Pavilion.

Society member Betty Bueche is the former Director of Bexar County Heritage and Parks Department, the first woman Park Superintendent for Texas Parks and Wildlife, and a  recipient of Texas Historical Commission’s Ruth Lester Lifetime Achievement Award.

On January 13, 2024, the State Board of Review approved the building’s nomination to the National Register of Historic Places . Nine speakers traveled to the Galveston meeting to support the nomination in person, while UTSA opposed it. The board’s approval is the first step in the nomination process.  Read more.


Supporters rally at the Texas Pavlion/Institute of Texan Cultures building.

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