San Antonio Conservation Society Announcement

June 18, 2018 – updated June 29, 2018

Encouraging news – our city officials are starting to listen, keep up the good work!

We have created a petition to City Council, the Mayor, and the Texas General Land Office, to let them know we oppose key components of the recently proposed Alamo Interpretive Plan.  Join us and let our officials know we want Alamo Plaza to be kept open and intact!  Don’t let the State fence us out! 

You do NOT need to be a San Antonio resident to sign.

To sign the online petition, click here.

To print for distribution, click here.

NOTE: We will collect hard copies of signed petitions here at our headquarters, located at 107 King William Street, San Antonio TX 78204, and distribute them to the Mayor, City Council, and the Texas General Land Office.

Society President Susan Beavin discusses our petition in this Express-News article covering the 2nd Alamo Public Meeting.

The historic buildings on the west side of Alamo Plaza: Crockett Block, Palace Theater, Woolwort Building
The historic buildings on the west side of Alamo Plaza should become a museum.

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