You Can’t Be Too Well-Read or Too Well-Fed

Thank you to everyone who attended or helped stage our 2023 Publication Awards Luncheon on March 24th.

Awards Committee Chairmen Melinda Tomerlin, Erwin de Luna, and Linda Segesman oversaw an elegant ceremony at the Estancia del Norte Hotel to honor the authors of the top ten recently published books on Texas history.  This year’s event proved especially popular, filling the ballroom to capacity and attracting a number of first time sponsors and donors.

Since 1949, the Society has used these awards to encourage the publication of works that document Texas history and culture in a way that educates the public and inspires a deeper appreciation for our regional heritage.

Most of the winning books (listed below) are available in the Society’s library for checkout to members – another great reason to renew your membership! Links to more information on authors and books can be found in the  slideshow featured on the event page.

2023 Publication Awards Invitation

Many thanks to the dedicated volunteer readers who evaluated the nominations: Ken Erfurth, Pat Ezell, Joyce Felter, Anne Ferguson, Kevin Geary, Earnest Gerlach, Martha and Lee Grant, Frederica Kushner, Jane Martin, Diana Martinez, Paula and Doug Piper, Irene Rendon, Rebecca Smith, Janie Thomas, Virginia and Albert Van Cleave, and Carolyn Wright.

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