Exclusive Pre-Publication Offer Through May 15th!

Get 15% off retail, plus a portion of the funds go to the Conservation Society, when you buy Greetings from San Antonio, a new book about historic postcards by Lewis F. Fisher and Trinity University Press.

Cover of postcard book: Greetings from San Antonio

Lewis Fisher has been collecting historic San Antonio postcards for more than two decades, amassing some seven thousand of them. His new book, Greetings from San Antonio, published by Trinity University Press, showcases more than six hundred full-color cards with accompanying history, from the late 1800s through the mid-twentieth century, to offer a stunning visual narrative of San Antonio.

Your purchase of this book will support two vital San Antonio nonprofit organizations:  Trinity University Press and  the Conservation Society of San Antonio!

SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL PRICE: 15% off retail! (retail price is $29.95) Shipping fee and sales tax apply. Items shipped by Aerio. Limited-time offer available until May 15.

Click here to order and use the promo code: SACS201.

At the dawn of the twentieth century, just as color postcards were becoming a worldwide sensation, San Antonio bypassed Dallas as the largest city in Texas. Idyllic postcard images of San Antonio began landing in mailboxes across the country, displaying recently gained wealth and prosperity. Greetings from San Antonio is a collection of more than six hundred color and black-and-white photo postcards, many of them quite rare, that yield a captivating portrayal of the city during the early years of its transformation into the multicultural mecca it is today.

Get your discounted copy today and help the Society through your purchase!

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