Coalition for the Woolworth Building marching behind banner.
Coalition members from SAAACAM, Esperanza, Westside Preservation Alliance, and the Conservation Society united for the cause!

Virtual March Opposes Real Threat

Martin Luther King Day – January 18, 2021

The Cause

The Coalition for the Woolworth Building has proudly joined the MLK March for the past two years. Carrying our banner and manning a booth at Pittman-Sullivan Park, we have raised awareness of the need to preserve the Woolworth Building on Alamo Plaza.  Named to the World Monuments Fund Watch List in 2020, this endangered landmark played an important role in local and national civil rights history.  It connects visitors and locals to an undertold story in our shared heritage, speaking to the struggle for equity and justice.

Learn More

Join the Coalition this Wednesday for a free, virtual panel discussion about ongoing efforts to save the Woolworth Building,  Alazán Courts, and the 1875 St. James AME Church foundations.  Register for Places of Color: Preserving San Antonio’s Underrepresented Narratives.  This official Dream Week event takes place January 20th at 6:00 PM.

Dream Week banner "Preserving Places of Color" showing Alazan Courts, St. James AME Church foundations, and the Woolworth Building

What happened at Woolworth’s in 1960 and why should you care?

The peaceful voluntary integration of lunch counters in San Antonio set an example for the nation at a time when non-violent, sit-in protesters in other Southern cities faced abuse.  As part of a student-led movement across the segregated South,  lunch counter integration helped bring about the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Today, the Woolworth Buildings stands as a visible link to this important civil rights achievement.  It also represents a vital aspect of  Alamo Plaza’s rich, but little-known Black history.

The Threat

Will the Woolworth Building remain standing?  The 2017 Alamo Master Plan supported the reuse of the Woolworth Building as part of a planned Alamo Museum.  However, the State-owned Woolworth Building did not appear in any of the 2018 conceptual drawings for the new museum and demolition appears to be an option.

The professional architectural assessment completed for the Alamo Trust in 2020, confirmed that the Woolworth Building is structurally sound, historically significant, and suitable for reuse as a world-class museum!  Despite this favorable report, the State has not committed to preserving the building.

What You Can Do

Speak Out 

The Coalition is asking all concerned citizens to contact the following officials.  Tell them you support the preservation of the Woolworth Building for reuse as part of the new Alamo museum.

George P. Bush, Commissioner, Texas General Land Office
Phone: 1-800-998-4GLO (4456)

Representative Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (State Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee)
Phone: (512) 463-0708 (Capitol) or (210) 333-0245 (District Office)

Mayor Ron Nirenberg
Phone: (210) 207-7107

Councilman Roberto Treviño (Council District 1 and Alamo Management Committee Chair)
Phone: (210) 207-7279

Want to send a message wherever you go?  Purchase a Save the Woolworth T-shirt with our rallying cry on the front and Jackie Robinson’s quote on the back!

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