Civic Park Deserves Better Design for Residential Tower

Conservation Society Statement – October 19, 2022

Have you seen the proposed design for the residential tower planned for the north end of Civic Park?  It’s not just that it’s big – 29 stories atop a seven-story parking garage – and tends to obscure the entrance to Civic Park.   The design fails to relate to the culture of San Antonio or to its unique location in Hemisfair.  Unlike the innovative Hemsifair hotel planned, this building appears disappointingly similar to the Grand Hyatt and to the architect’s own designs for luxury high-rises in Cleveland and Chicago.

President Kathy Rhoads spoke against the proposed design at the October 19th Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC) meeting.  Several members also responded to our urgent call to action.  They left recorded public comments for HDRC, critically counterbalancing the statements made in support.   Read our full statement here.

Although the design received conceptual approval, the commission encouraged the architects to take the concerns expressed at the meeting into account as they refine their design for final approval.

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